avengers fanfiction peter never have i everwhat to say when a guy says he's craving you

"Never Have I Ever" Pt. In the end, he poured out a shot of apple juice and handed it to the pouting teenager. Tony, Rhodey, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and Peter all drank. He was technically not lying, right? ', But he did anyway. Tony informed me that the post-battle bonding rituals of Asgard are much different to Midgardian customs, Thor says with a serious nod. It counts, Bruce says, and Clint obediently drinks. Never have I ever been in more than a hundred countries. He takes a sip of Bailey's, and Clint, Natasha and Tony follow his lead. "We - we can play you know 'giggles' truth or, or never have I Ever, we could play, with the bell, for - 'even more giggles' - comedic purposes!" The hottest boy in school. No. We gotta have that rule. Yeah, 'cause there were a lot of strings! Tony says, and sounds delighted that Clint gets it even though Clint really doesn't get it. All of the Avengers and Wade took a shot or for Wade, a sip of a juice box. "Excuse me" Natasha said. Yep, you got that right, Tony says and looks down at him. Peter didn't go to Manhattan very often-usually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasn't often. Right, yeah, that makes me feel a lot better, Tony huffs, but he doesn't move away. That's actually uh, weirdly flattering.. These kids have been crushed by heavy ass building but here they are, walking it off like it was nothing. Oh, he says. He grips her leg and she lets herself fall to the ground, where they resume their wrestling match. The Avengers were shocked. He's not sure if it's a warning sign or a sign of affection, but he flops onto his stomach anyway so he faces the circle. Bruce looks contemplative. FRIDAY said. (REQUESTED PART TWO), THE SPIDERVERSE: HUNTING SPIDER (REQUEST), THE LIFE OF PETER PARKER THE INTERN (HE'S ALSO SPIDER-MAN BUT HUSH), PETER BEING MULTILINGUAL (REQUESTED PART TWO). Tony squirms on the couch, but keeps a small distance. Maybe he should've done this while clothed. JARVIS, the traitor, Tony mutters and stares at the floor. That I made with my own two hands?!. Puts his hand on Tony's naked hip. Please consider turning it on! Because because the strings! Of course Spider-Man is a klutz, Sam rolled his eyes good-naturedly. LOKI BABYSITS PETEY (+ EVERYONE ELSE I GUESS), THE LEVEL RED INTERNS (Slight Spideypool), 5 TIMES PETER HELPED THE AVENGERS (+1 TIME THEY HELPED HIM), LIFE GOES ON WITHOUT THEM [ENDGAME SPOILERS], A GHOST OF THE PAST [+ A/N ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END], CONFINED TO A WHEELCHAIR (FOR LIKE A FEW WEEKS, CHILL), LET ME FALL (REQUESTED PART TWO) [TRIGGER WARNING], IS THE NEW ARM THAT NOTICEABLE? So after a mission, I y'know.. Dude Peter sounded somewhat awed. Vague snorts from the rest of the team. Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction All of the original Avengers and Loki are holed up with no electricity, and get very bored. But there are two spys with them so they were caught. What if shes an Avenger? I accidentally burned down the building that him and all of the people he 'helped' were in. Good night, everyone.. I am. Then he looks contemplative. Nat and Wanda took drinks. Clint has got to stop sleeping with the people he works with. Field Trip to the Compound (Part Two) (Completed), Not an update but a question for my curiosity, The sun will shine on us again (Part One), Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me. Tony laughs, throaty and quiet. Is it that Toby kid from your Biology class?" I'm too I'm fucking beat, man, he sighs when he's down to his boxer-briefs, and climbs onto the bed. avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony avengers fanfiction peter falls asleep on tony (No Ratings Yet) . Tony, Natasha snaps. "Never Have I Ever been brainwashed." Peter said. I don't know, Tony whines and flops off Clint onto the sheets beside him. Maybe it would just be funny. Flash was surprisingly silent, dipping his head up and down, as if listening to music only he could hear. And Capsicle has a built-in hard-on for anything that might be considered team-building.. Awwww, so cute, Tony coos. Not too bad, but I haven't slept in three days. Hugging and stuff, that's I like that.. What if she got kidnapped, a few months before Harry was born and the Potters got attacked on the faithful Halloween night? "When did it happen?". It's like you don't know me at all. He grins and looks very lost. C'mon, it'll be a blast. He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking more like an expectant child than a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. So why does she keep freezing up when he touches her? Quit whining and drink up you perv, was all Rhodey said in answer. Clint wakes long before Tony, and has time to take a shower and eat breakfast before Tony staggers into his relatively modest living room. I don't care what you want this to be, Stark I just like knowing what I'm getting into. He doesn't mean it as an accusation, and he's glad when it doesn't sound like one. Because Clint's gotta be honest; that thought freaks him out just a little. An angry voice cried out. Please stop talking, Natasha says into her coffee cup. Tony laughs more, and so does Thor, and then Natasha pushes at his back and says bed, now, and Clint stumbles off. Clint wonders, in the privacy of his own mind, if Tony actually did choose this game for team bonding and not just to determine the virginity of Captain America. There's one problem. Is it just in a suit, or on a suit as well?. Peter put down his hand and gave his best friend a betrayed look. Clint doesn't avoid Tony. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. he said grinning. No? He likes tzatziki. I'm gonna be down in the workshop for a while. All donations are used to provide the service; no profits are made by the site owners, When you're ready, when you're sure, and when there's nobody else in the middle. Clint notices Natasha eyeing Tony with a sort of what do you see in that way. I'm not, Tony says sourly, still massaging the shoulder Clint nearly ripped out of its socket. Tony, Rhodey, Clint, and Natasha all drank. It made that particular shade of blue safe in Clint's mind again. It was, Steve says softly. You're no fun, Cap. He walked over to over and kissed her passionately. "DUDE!" But pain leads to power, or so people say, and Agent Sola certainly is powerful. I read about him in your file; you two seemed close.. Lindsay's bitching at her sister already and they're only in the preliminary round; she's going down. None taken, she says, and Clint can practically feel her preening. I'm not really he huffs and his ears grow pinker. He won't be bothered by it. or even 'I don't want to play, I will just watch' but Ned had looked at him with puppy eyes to rival his own and he had just sighed and wished all questions would be stupid and he didn't have to reveal some weird shit here. He thought that after the rollercoaster of a year that they were chill now. #tonystark Everyone is drunk (Except for Peter and MJ) But one of Tony's hidden superpowers is pitching, and the fucking infallible ability to know just who he has to talk to to get someone onto his side, and then make said terrible idea into reality. The game has not ended yet, has it?, Oh no, not by far! Tony says. How'd you find out? Tony says, and looks dejected that his big reveal has been taken from him. Scott questions and I smirk. Flash In these Au's Loki is an avenger because I like that idea and him dying isn't an option whatsoever. However, with the arrival of a new super nurse in New York, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes cant help but think she looks like their Avengers X Reader Preferences & One-Shots, Half Truths Lead to Misunderstandings (Not Dead, Update Coming Soon), Preferences/Imagines/x Readers *Book 2*(Requests open). Peter, Tony, Bucky, and Natasha all drank. Bruce was on a stool, placing the book he had been reading on the table next to the drinks when the others started talking, and Thor (who sat on a stool he had pulled away from the bar) decided to put his hammer on it. Should we proceed? Once Clint is in bed, Tony makes a quiet, questioning noise and actually rolls over to plant his face firmly in the crook of Clint's neck. Nah, you heard Steve. Most of the bottle's gone by now, so yeah, he's gonna have a shit day tomorrow. #iorndad Whaddya say?, Bruce hums in agreement. Anyone we know? That's you stealer, Tony says and looks wounded. Steve sighs. Tony's eyes go fond. That was really nice., I know, Clint says and doesn't so much sit down as he falls on his ass. "no matter what everyone else thinks, you're still a loser" a quote by MJ, (this is a chapter) Gender Fluid Loki and a A/N, "I Have A Son" (dc and marvel crossover)(preview), wASSUP FRICKERS(quick question also,memes), PRIDE MONTH, SOLVES ALL YO PROBLEMS BABY(but without my sadness), the final addition to the "if tony was peters bio dad" gif set(endgame spoilers). Remember the toast?, Ouff! Steve goes to the floor, but turns around immediately, just as Natasha tries to knee him in the back. Got a hangover, Clint says, but he pushes into it when the hand moves to trail up and down his thigh, slowly, languidly. Is that what Tony's supposed to be right now? Demi, is that a bad thing?. Bucky/ The Winter Soldier Never have I ever had sex with a dude. It's Stark.. Why dont we start with the youngest and move clockwise in a circle? "Never Have I Ever had a girlfriend." And Bruce?. He stumbles forward and into Clint, scrabbling to get the phone back. Nobody comments on it; it's clear that Steve doesn't expect to drink a lot. as well as Bucky, Nat, and Wanda took shots. Your turn, L'oreal, Tony says and claps Thor on the back. But it still made him feel uncomfortable, in a foreboding way that he really didnt like. All I asked was that you're honest with me whether it's about us being in a relationship or fuckbuddies or something completely different. I don't know, Clint. So why did the recent interactions between her boyfriend and her friend suddenly make her feel like she was starting all over again? The thought is kind of baffling. The title says it all, just a few random field trip one-shots made by yours truly. So why did he suddenly feel like he was being avoided? yes let's do THAT" respectively. Nat knows that Clint's defences come down when he's drunk, which is why he does it rarely and only in the company of people he trusts. Clint squirms underneath the covers, reveling in the softness all around all of him, and lets out a happy noise into the fluffy pillow. See? Tony says and gestures at the circle they make, most of them slouched comfortably on the large pillows. Well, fuck, Tony says, and sounds a little strangled. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. Tony's eyes widened, how the fuck did that crazy lunatic get someone so sweet like Peter "Jesus Christ, Pete. Better?. Any trade marks that appear on the site are used without permission and I know, Clint. Clint shrugs and looks over at his boyfriend? It had been quite deep and he had to remove the thing himself. "We still playing or what? Worst idea ever, woke up on the ceiling with no memory of how I got there or how I was covered in glitter," I say and everyone nods. I know, Legolas, Tony huffs. Clint keeps his hand high and the phone out of Tony's reach. Where did you get this tattoo!?" "Okay, my turn. We're starting. I remember!. He's still kind of horny, but he's also tired, so he can't be bothered to get off on his own right now. All I have now is the next two weeks of community service and all that. So does Thor. Soft-as-silk cotton, cool and fresh under him, smelling faintly of vanilla and laundry detergent. Six minutes. I'm so awesome it hurts sometimes.. "I think that's a good idea," I say before leaning over onto dad and passing out. The Defenders (Netflix Marvel Universe) It's blueberry, his favorite. Nat smirked. left kudos on this work! Nope, not telling. Peter staired Stark directly in the eyes, slowly raising his glass and finished his drink, keeping a blank the entire time. Are you hammered, Stark?. But he was also spider-man, and he just couldn't help but think of the possible things he could reveal. But apparently, now is the moment to talk. Oh thats bor- seriously Cap? This was a request from@imwithtonyandnatasha, I had a lot of fun writing it and really I hope it doesn't look like I rushed the ending. I mean that literally.. or 'never have I ever wore a dress.' It sounds like a genuine question. "Really?" Clint is an affectionate drunk, Natasha says, amusement and exasperation coloring her tone. Abe ringed the bell. "I'm Peter's fianc." #geniouspeter Did we have make-up sex?. Okay, a member of the same sex, then. "Who is he? And he can't help but be a little impressed, himself Thor he might understand, but the other two? It's my vanishing act." And nobody wants that shit. You turned to the all too familiar voice, breath hitching in your throat as you met the eyes of a certain brown haired person that played one of your favorite su Decided that I would publish a book of one shots and headcanons that people request! Parker, you're in charge. You're an Asgardian. Other people who are not Clint, obviously. How long have Tony and I been dating? Tony's right behind him, wearing one of Clint's t-shirts, and Clint's wearing Tony's sweatpants. Enjoy! "I'll go next because mine was just stupid". To absolutely no one's surprise, Tony's really good in bed. It becomes a semi-regular thing. I like sex. Nope, Clint says. Watching Devi grow up with Mohan and Nalini feels like papercuts and pinpricks for Ben.But when Devi loses a father and becomes a kindred spirit,Ben gains the thing he always wanted most: a dad. No, wait, don't ask Pepper because she knows too much, he adds and waves his hands, stumbling to his feet. So you're not running away? Clint hears himself say after, when he thinks he's about to take a nap. I'll be updating Solangelo At Hogwarts before the end of today, hopefully close after this is up unless the art isn't attached. Why wouldn't you?, I don't know, Clint says and leans forward until their foreheads touch. Clint snorts into the good Captain's neck. In case you wondered. He grimaces. That was one time and I was drunk! Tony Stark/ Iron Man. Anyways I found out about that and followed Toomes to a abandoned warehouse were we fought for like 8 minutes, then he shot the support beams of the warehouse and the entire building came crashing down on me. Then I limped home" Peter explained. "That is no excuse mister!" Tony could of sworn he had seen Bruce mouth 'Sugar Daddy', but that couldn't be right. Shut up, this is the last one. Possibly from Clint. Gotta do what you gotta do to survive, Clint ducked his head, examining his drink to avoid eye contact. This is my room.. "Never Have I Ever had a girlfriend." Said Sam. It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. Stopping now., Clint doesn't know if Tony means that he'll stop talking or stop running, but the guy trails off, so Clint gets a part-answer. Im not judging your choice in venue.. I travel because I'm awesome, Tony says. Natasha plays with the label on her bottle. My turn! Maybe this game was fun after all. Natasha's smirking, but there's no edge to it, and Steve's eyes are brighter than they've been most of the night. Morning.. I could send you some info about demisexuality? Bruce asks gently, his hand still lingering on Steve's shoulder. 1. Awesome, I'll go tell Cap, Tony says and bounces out of there, excitement humming through his whole body. Which is, Clint muses, exactly what he is. Of course. Steve's smile turns rueful, and Clint's a little proud that the Cap is slowly learning that sarcasm is the best way to deal with Tony Stark. As soon as Tony's underneath the covers, he's out cold, and Clint's left to undress himself in peace. Never have I ever ooh, wait, question.. No. #hulk Clint, Natasha, and Bucky I get, they were assassins and seduction is normal in that field, and everyone knows Im a giant man-whore, but you? Sowhat was the object? Bucky smirked. Happy New Year Paxton, she whispered.Happy New Year Devi, he murmured back before drawing her in again. Ok, never have I ever made a list of all the people I slept with and been shocked by how high the number was, Sam grinned. Oh, come on! Thank you all so much for 19K reads! #brucebanner What? Heh. And why can't he stop looking at Devi. For the first time, it strikes him that Tony's well within his right to kick him out. He's clearly forgotten where it is, so the chances are big that he'll jump someone else unsuspecting. Tony actually fucking whoops, a fist in the air and everything. Maybe it won't be as bad this time, Natasha muses. But when Tony returns with his own VSOP in hand, he hands Clint a bottle of Jim Beam. Avengers: Age of Ultron: completed One shot with our favorite trickster will usually revolve around an OC. Unless you want to tap that, obviously, in which hey, I applaud that. "What! hey guys i wanna tell you something + a snippet of something im writing, I Guess I've Got A lot Of Explaining To Do. Clint figures he'll just steal Nat's drink; he didn't bother to buy anything for tonight, and he doesn't keep alcohol on his floor. No! Tony snorts. No, I'm- Steve breaks off, brows furrowing. Everyone stared at Peter for a solid five seconds. Okay, then. You were doing so well. He's on his third glass by now, and most of them are getting foggy. She huffs a laugh and drinks again. Clint wonders, if Steve figured most of the questions asked would be related to sex (and again, Clint wonders whether the good Cap's still got his super-hymen in place), why he still seems so interested. Plus, you know, Clint has done a lot of stuff. "Experiment went wrong," Shuri says while the others shift around. For some reason a few members had brought alcohol, and now they were all sitting in Flash' and Abe's shared hotel room, drinking shots with the plastic cups from the bathrooms. Bruce leaves his glass on the floor huh, looks like Tony was the exception to a rule, then and then everyone's looking at Cap. Lindsay doesn't win. Ey! Wait. I don't have a lot of previous experience, Stark, but no. Tony is still up, working on his tablet in bed, sprawled with his feet poking out from beneath the silky covers. Sam cracked a small smile, glad to embarrass the secret couple. I absolutely recommend reading this one. Marvel: The Beast System Chapter 100, a Marvel + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. When they managed to get control of themselves- after about five minutes of uncontrollable laughter, Clint wiped away his tears and said, ok, ok, my turnnever have I ever googled sex addiction!. I steal Ned and Tonys clothes. Natasha's mouth quirks upwards in what, on a lesser person's face, would constitute as a fond smile. It was disappointing, to say the least, how many of his classmates drank every week. as well as And strangest and probably best of all, no halting 'look, I think you should go back to your own room if you're just going to sleep'. "In Freshman year at Midtown, when I first became Spidey, I met MJ in class. Stupid strings, he mutters, apparently to himself, before he looks up at Clint with swimming eyes. This is going to be so awesome, you guys, he babbles, and don't worry because I totally wasn't going for shawarma this time, I mean I really like it, and I know Thor and Steve do, but Barton, you've got that thing that you get because of Agent and I get it, so we'll just get some pizza or something wait, how do you feel about Greek? Hmmm, Tony says before popping a few pieces of colored candy into his mouth. What? "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo," Steve says and Ava, Luke, Nova, Danny, Bucky, Scott, and I take a drink. 'Cause I'm open for a lot of stuff, man, but choking me's not gonna work out for everybody., Tony laughs, but it's soft, not mocking. The fuck, Clint? That's what Clint's picked up, at least, never actually having gone himself. "Eh, you were in Florida," I say brushing it off. My turn. I have not encountered it before., Well, that's my new nickname for you, Tony says with a wide grin. He's got his own floor, but it's just too fucking far right now, and he's feeling lazy. Home again by CadenceIX, a good post endgame story with a less than ideal situation for peter as his friends have all aged up. Clint was just glad he had been filming it all on his phone ever since Peter admitted to having a boyfriend. It's strangely optimistic, for her, and Clint wonders if the crazy genius has grown on her too. "Even if you don't believe the internship, I have heard from his Aunt May that he was saved by Iron Man at the Stark Expo when he was younger, so he has definitely seen the guy very close. Were playing never have I ever!. Guy's gotta have a fucking death wish to sneak up on Clint while he's sleeping, the fuck. Cindy, Betty, and Flash put down a finger. She was very preserved, even when she hung out with Ned and him. "Never Have I Ever been an animal themed superhero." ! They all seemed to collectively cry. It's warm, a couple of degrees warmer than Tony's body temperature, and Clint reaches out now to splay his hand over it. Pepper Pots Classified information. Clint never liked those, more one for sharp, searing taste than soft sweetness himself (and wow, isn't that a metaphor for his life). I Dare you to say the Truth. Betty and Ned were sitting close, hands almost touching on the floor, their bodies leaning a bit towards one another. (he was the youngest, and fortunately for him, only had one drink). "Why would you ever put a planting pot on your head?" They're lying in bed, embracing, making out, and it's probably one of the gayer things Clint has done but he doesn't mind. Yeah like that was surprising, Wanda rolled her eyes. Or, 'trust' is a relative term, but yeah. Clint's stomach does a weird little tumble that Clint is definitely not going to analyze later, and he folds his arms and keeps his eyes on the screen. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "REALLY" Clint yelled. "You knew?" Al1v3p00l, AddSomeSparkles, Gretetel, pheonixfeathers, Mani_readz, Athena_83, Son_AviAgreste, Theseeker100, Sydneyy205, Sarah_248, Bessiesboy04, Blackdahlia3000, th3_r4t_k1ng, lileolily, and_AS, 14Muffinz, Psyclopticfury, Annaparkerjones, Nicecutgee, Rahhpixy, Korbi01, Mian975, Ejiro_kiripima, localbookgirl, jnate101, minho_stole_my_cats, dxnllse, Artistik_nobody, yasammy4life, TheLyingGrapevine, apeacufulocean, Rudgiraffe, Yoosangah, rozeis, udonsuperiority, ImAHyperPotato, Madmadds01, daughter_of_apollo_7, Radzy_N3rd_time, OliOcelot, Blackwidow622, hockeyaddict, natalicja_w, charlotte1217, alilhopelessromanticgremlin, kukutajam, Alphandrew23, goldenzingy46, Tonydeservesbetter, nexttoyouboyfriends_larry, and 145 more users 332 guests Then they watched as Thor went for the head. Natasha clinks her bottle with Clint's. Yup, Clint says and squeezes Steve harder. Ever wondered what it would be like to date one of Earth's mightiest heros? Aunt May says and I shrug. He's honest-to-god pulled out a huge array of soft, big, fluffy pillows so they can all settle there. I mean, ask anyone. Natasha hums in agreement, and Thor looks delighted. How will she react? Guys? Tony says. Yeah. They creep closer again, under the covers, until they're cocooning each other.

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avengers fanfiction peter never have i ever